
How to find us

For direction to our flying site, please use the interactive Google map above.

Or enter postcode CH8 8RF into your SatNav. Then follow the directions below.

If you are new to the club and wish to come along for an introductory visit, the best opportunity to meet up with other club members would be Saturday and Sunday mornings between 10:00 and 12:00. Weather permitting!!!

Site Access

From J31 on the A55, join the B5122 towards Caerwys. Access to the flying site is through the second  farm gate on the left off the B5122. The club field is usually stocked with sheep, so please take care to ensure both gates are secured behind you.

Car parking is usually behind the pits area. However, during very wet weather, it may be necessary to park near the field entrance and walk to the active flying area.


Local Facilities

Adjacent to the club field, the local facilities include:

  • -The Dragons Rest Cafe,
  • -BP service station with
  • -A Spar shop,
  • -Greggs,
  • -Subway and
  • -McDonalds.

Customer toilets are available in each site.

Web site contact

To contact the club, please either send us a message on Facebook or use the contact us page above.